This is for you ladies who continuously ask the million dollar question….How do I firm up my Bum aka Gluteus maximus? How do I get that nice round, firm, cuff at the bottom, if you would like to call it that. Well ladies, I am hear to help you achieve that. Now always remember, the biggest part of achieving your goals cleaning up your diet aka eating habits. You have to eat better to look and feel better. And trust me you will. Lean foods and lower carbs will work miracles. So that is your first step.
Now to the good stuff... To really build a firm and nicely shaped bum, you have to attack it from different areas. If you look at the muscle structure, it is comprised of 3 muscles. The Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus. So you need to make sure you are doing drills that train and work each muscle. Here are some tips that will help you out. These are drills that you can do in the privacy of your own home if need be. Give them a shot and feel free to comment back and let me know how it’s going.
Donkey Kicks: Good old fashion kicks like a mule. You start on your hands and knees, back straight and abs tight. Form is very important. These are done one leg at time of course. Bring the right knee towards your chest (Abs tight and clinched like a crunch), then send your leg back through the starting position and pushing the heel of your foot to the sky. After your have brought as far up as possible without breaking form, bring it back through to the chest and do it again.
Do 5 sets of 15 on each side. *Target Area is the Gluteus Maximus
Fire Hydrants: Picture what a dog does when he sees a fire hydrant. For some reason to them it’s just the law of nature to use it. These definitely are an assault on your hip flexors and gluteus medius. Once again you will start with on your hands and knees. This time you will mimic the action of a dog visiting a fire hydrant. You will lift the right knee away from the body as high as possible without breaking your form, and then return it back to the position right under you. Not with this you do not want to let it sit back on the ground after every rep. Keep it elevated while going through your sets. Once you have reached your rep goal, switch to the other leg. FEEEEEEL The Burn on this one.
Do 5 sets of 15 on each side. *Target area is the Gluteus Medius
(Stripper Squats): These are exactly what you are thinking, dropping your bum as low as possible. Why do you think most strippers have and really nice and firm toosh. A little bit of humor for you. But that is one of the main reasons they do. Constantly working the Gluteus maximus with every drop. Place your feet a little wider then shoulder width and your hands on either your head or waste. Begin squatting as low as you can, making sure it’s controlled. Remember to keep your chest up at all times. That way you do not irritate your back. After reaching your lowest point, return to a standing position, but when you do…remember to squeeze the glute muscles together at the top, then go back into another. Always remember to squeeze at the top of every squat.
Do 5 sets of 20. *Target areas are the Gluteus Maximus and Minimus.
These are just a couple things to get your started. Of course there are many more drills and you can add degrees of difficulties to each of them. Whether it be weights or resistant bands, there is always a way to challenge yourself.
Crazy Core Concepts.