Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Fitness Model of the Week"

"JaRed Cameron"

 With one of the most diverse backgrounds you can find in a young man this Bronx NY native has been moving to the top gracefully and swiftly. Having a background of African American, Italian, Puerto Rican, and Egyptian....JaRed Cameron caries a very interesting and exotic look that designers and photographers crave.  Wanting to be apart of the entertainment scene since childhood, its not hard to believe he knows how to play the piano, sings, familiar with Beethoven and Bach, danced to the tunes of Michael Jackson(as all we all did as kids), and lastly tap-dance. WOW..   

 Because of the level of difficulty and low success rate, JaRed felt he was at the crossroads and not sure whether to pursue acting as a career.  In a leap of faith, he went for it and set out to take head shots as soon as he could raise money. Immediately he was exposed to modeling, a talent he did not know existed. Since then he has participated in photo-shoots with multiple fashion photographers such as Karim Parris, Ben Arrington, Bryan Taylor, etc. 
JaRed featured in his very first fashion show with designer Ray Brown for Ray Vincente Collection,  in June of 2010  in New York. That show sparked a multitude of offers and castings for New York Fashion Week,  that upcoming September. Going into his very first Fashion Week, he was a part of 9 shows and was humbled by the entire experience.
Now lets talk fitness... This young man is in great shape, highly athletic, and very competitive. As a Fashion and Fitness model, Jared knows the importance of being toned and lean. Eating lower Carbs and higher protein throughout the day, he is able to maintain a slim and sleek physique that's conducive to Fashion and Fitness. Abdominal routines, cardio, and high repetitions are his secret. Some examples would be Boxing, Running, Old School Pushups, and Ab circuits with Personal Trainer and Fitness Specialist Shaun Spencer aka "The Olympic Trainer". 

 Look for him in Sheen Magazine this July and also during Miami Fashion Week fashion show in Miami this July for ‘Miami Splash” with William Michael Reid, Ron Cooke, and Willie Hall.


  1. Very very nice... Congratulations Jay.. I love it....

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